April 27, 2018 San Diego, California – For Immediate Release Sarina Houston of Pittsboro, North Carolina was awarded the 3rd Martha King Scholarship for Women…
April 12, 2018, SUN ‘n FUN – Lakeland, FL – Pete Muntean of Washington, D.C. is the winner of the King Schools and the National…
April 6, 2017 Sun ‘n Fun, Lakeland FL – King Schools and the National Association of Flight Instructors (NAFI) have awarded their 2016 CFI scholarship…
March 14, 2017 San Diego, California – Women in Aviation International Conference Marissa Colclasure has been awarded the second WAI Martha R. King Scholarship for…
We celebrate the recent Girls in Aviation Day and the incredible cover of Aviation for Women magazine in the May/June edition September 27, 2016 San Diego, CA On Saturday,…